Curiosity, Deep Knowledge, Collaboration.
With over 25 years' experience, we bring perspective, critical thinking, rigorous designs, and practical approaches to our work with you.
Know Today. Grow tomorrow.
Coalitions &
LeCroy & Milligan Associates provides consultation and evaluation services to organizations, foundations and coalitions for improving systems of service delivery and demonstrating the impact of their efforts through evaluation. Our work with organizations has centered on their desire better define their strategy, direction, and allocation of resources. Many clients request help with the development of systems-level indicators, mapping service systems, assessing service gaps, leadership development and strategic planning. Our multidisciplinary team brings over 20 years’ experience working with coalitions and foundations creating impact in cancer prevention and intervention, homelessness, education, early childhood health and education, obesity prevention, and child abuse prevention.
Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness (TPCH)
LMA designed and facilitated three strategic planning processes (ranging in length from 2 months to one year) with diverse coalitions of providers to address prevention and intervention needs and approaches to support an end to homelessness.
Arizona Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalition
For over 5 years, LMA has provided planning consultation and evaluation for statewide Arizona Cancer Coalition implementation of the AZ Cancer Control Plan to reduce the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of cancer through prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliation.
United Way First Focus on Kids
LMA designed and conducted strategic planning sessions with groups of 60-80 early childhood providers and organizations to form coalition goals and objectives for services, professional development, etc. Evaluated coalition efforts for over 5 years to assess system wide progress in early childhood health and literacy outcomes.
Helios Foundation “Be A Leader” project
This evaluation project examines the implementation, outcomes and ROI of a program aimed at increasing the number of high school students who successfully enroll and enter college.
Our commitment to assisting programs that seek to provide supportive services to children, youth, and families is long standing. State and national organizations such as Prevent Child Abuse America, Healthy Families America, Parents As Teachers, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation have sought out our evaluation expertise gained from nearly 30 years in the field. Our studies have included evaluations related to foster care and adoption, child abuse prevention, home visitation programs, family support services, maternal health, youth development, financial stability, homelessness, refugee services, among others.
Parents As Teachers
currently conducting a six-year randomized control trial study with PAT National, to help build the evidence base for the PAT home visitation model. The HFPI (Healthy Families Parenting Inventory) was selected by PAT as one of their “recommended” outcome instruments and is currently in use in many PAT programs throughout the country.
Arizona’s Children Association (AzCA)
LMA has provided evaluation services for AzCA for numerous projects, many focused on foster care and kinship support services. Most recently we completed a 3-part study to assess implementation, impact, and cost of the Family Group Decision Making program in order to build a program that effectively supports and engages family members to achieve positive outcomes for children who are in, or at risk of entering, foster care.
Healthy Families Arizona
For over 20 years we have completed a comprehensive array studies for the Healthy Families Arizona statewide system, including annual outcomes evaluations, a randomized control trial, focus group studies, development of statewide quality assurance systems, and database development and training.
Pascua Yaqui Tribe/Social Services Department
This 4-year project provides technical assistance and evaluation to the Pascua Yaqui tribe as it develops and implements an integration of TANF and Child Welfare services.
Needs Assessment for Primary and Secondary Child Abuse Prevention
Arizona Department of Child Safety-- Statewide assessment to examine risk and protective factors for Arizona’s children and families and to identify effective primary and secondary child abuse prevention strategies in Arizona
LMA works with government agencies, school districts, colleges and universities, foundations, tribal entities, early childhood coalitions, and others to provide evaluation research and technical assistance to programs and initiatives that seek to improve the health and education outcomes of children from birth through young adulthood. As states and schools are increasingly investing in early childhood education, we have provided strategic facilitation and technical assistance with alliances and coalitions of programs that seek systems improvements to address the needs of children. We have worked extensively with programs addressing career readiness, school drop-out, STEM education, teacher development, school-based behavioral health support services, peer education programs, school-based teen pregnancy prevention programs, and youth development initiatives.
Project AWARE
LMA provides consultation, needs and resource mapping, technical assistance, logic model development and evaluation planning for the Arizona Department of Education and local education agencies implementing school mental health services. Our consultation
and evaluation services support the development of a comprehensive statewide plan for building and maintaining infrastructure for mental health services in Arizona schools.
Adolescent Sexual Risk Reduction
For over 20 years , LMA has worked on numerous state and federal projects focused on prevention of unwanted pregnancy and reduction of sexual risks. Two recent grants are randomized trials that examine the effectiveness of prevention programs for adolescent females and adolescent males, and a project to evaluate a community-wide prevention strategy implemented in Pima County.
Pima Community College Title V project
LMA examined outcomes and progress for the Campus Integrated Model for Attainment (CIMA) program that has the goal of improving services to Hispanic and low--income students through the creation of a learning center, professional development and course improvements.
Parents as Teachers (PAT) National and Local Projects
LMA is conducting three rigorous evaluations of PAT programs in Arizona and Missouri to assess outcomes and build the evidence base of the PAT home visitation model .
For over 25 years, LMA has evaluated programs aimed at preventing or treating behavioral health problems among children, youth and families. For example, we have conducted numerous randomized control trials and quasi-experimental studies to evaluate the effectiveness of pregnancy prevention programs, maternal health programs, and child abuse prevention programs. We have assisted state health and child welfare agencies in building quality assurance systems to insure the highest quality services are being delivered. Our work has encompassed a wide range of substantive areas, such as substance abuse prevention programs in urban, rural and Native American communities, family violence and sexual assault prevention, school-based mental health services, child abuse prevention, and adult and juvenile offender treatment programs.
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System Administration (AHCCCS)
Systems of Care Practice Reviews, For over fives years LMA has conducted the statewide implementation of quality assurance practice reviews of children’s behavioral health services to measure the degree to which agencies adhere to the System of Care Principles.
Arizona Families First, Az Department of Child Safety
LMA provides evaluation of process and outcomes for a substance abuse prevention and treatment program for caregivers of children involved in the child protective services system or JOBS program throughout Arizona. LMA also created and maintains an improved Data Portal for the project.
Guy Talk Sexual Risk Reduction project
this federally funded longitudinal study examines the implementation, outcomes and impact of a gender-specific sexual risk reduction/pregnancy prevention curriculum delivered in schools and with an interactive website.
Health &
Public Health
LMA helps to promote more effective and efficient healthcare for individuals and families by conducting studies of new and established health care approaches and interventions. Our goal is to provide evaluation information that leads to the adoption of best practices and service delivery models. We have provided technical assistance, training and evaluation with organizations and coalitions addressing cancer prevention and treatment, integrated healthcare, early childhood health, oral health, obesity prevention, teen pregnancy prevention, and maternal health. We also conduct numerous needs assessments in areas such as substance abuse prevention and intervention, older adult service needs, children with special health care needs, homeless youth health care, opioid addiction, and women’s health needs.
Arizona Statewide Substance Abuse Prevention Needs Assessment
Using multiple data collection and analysis methods, LMA conducted a statewide substance prevention assessment for the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS). The LMA team gathered and analyzed multiple sources of primary and secondary data to examine programming, needs, resources and gaps across Arizona around 4 key subpopulations of interest: youth, veterans, seniors, and LBGTQ individuals. We will go on to facilitate the state strategic plan for substance abuse prevention.
University of Arizona Pediatrics Data Project
LMA provides assistance in the analysis of medical record data for a study investigating the prevalence and underdiagnosis of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders (PANS).
Arizona Department of Health Services: Oral Health project
LMA is evaluating the implementation and outcomes of a federally funded oral health workforce development initiative aimed at serving at risk and underserved preschool and school aged children in 4 Arizona border counties
Juvenile &
Adult Justice
LMA has designed and conducted formative and summative evaluations of juvenile and adult justice programs for federal, state, and local organizations. This experience includes outcome evaluations, risk prediction studies, and technical assistance and consultation in program planning. Examples of past evaluations include a statewide evaluation of probation programs for juveniles and adults ; evaluations of county Drug Court programs; development and validation of a juvenile risk instrument for the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections; evaluation of treatment services for juvenile offenders and their families; evaluations of adult prisoner re-entry programs, studies of juvenile recidivism, and others. This work has resulted in more effective programming for those in the highest category of need and risk.
Maricopa County Adult Drug Court
in this 5- year project LMA is evaluating implementation and outcomes of drug courts providing peer recovery support services and housing assistance to increase engagement in clinical services and, ultimately, improve successful completion of drug court.
Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC), Recidivism Study
Qualitative study to gather data regarding re-entry issues experienced by individuals released from Az prisons on supervision and those who were re-incarcerated for supervision violations. This statewide interview study was used to inform and update the protocol and approaches to supporting successful re-entry to communities.
Father Matters Re-Entry Programs
LMA evaluates two programs that provide males who are re-entering Maricopa County after incarceration with mentoring, education and other life skills services.