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Comprehensive approaches to plan, evaluate and improve programs and policy


From small consultation projects to long-term rigorous research studies, LeCroy & Milligan Associates tailors each project to your specific information needs, using collaboration, encouragement and efficiency.

Evaluation & Research
We partner with stakeholders to transform research information into actionable plans. Our services start with the most rigorous design that is feasible. We then employ multiple methods to gather many sources of data. We provide both qualitative and quantitative data and information to clients for decision making and program improvement.  We listen carefully to changing client needs and adapt approaches so that information is useful, feasible and timely. We bring together a multidisciplinary team of social scientists, program developers and statisticians to develop and implement creative program evaluation designs for our partners. For transformative learning to occur we ensure opportunities for continuous feedback and communication among all stakeholders.
  • Outcome studies

  • Randomized Control Trials

  • Implementation studies

  • Needs assessments

  • Consumer, client and employee feedback studies

  • Systems change evaluation

  • Survey research

  • Integration of quality assurance

  • Literature reviews

Strategic Development
LMA helps organizations and agencies define their strategy, direction, and allocation of resources by using data and structured facilitation processes for informed decision-making. We have extensive experience working with individual organizations, coalitions and state agencies around strategic planning for systems of service delivery. The way that the strategic planning process is developed depends on the nature of the group’s leadership, culture, size and complexity of the system’s environment. We believe that the “process” of strategic planning is as important as the strategic plan documents.
  • Assessment of assets, resources, challenges and needs

  • Examination of hopes, visions and values driving strategic plans

  • Participatory methods for goal and action planning

  • Experienced partner with coalitions

  • Collecting comprehensive data for planning

  • Precise information tools & presentations  to meet the needs of different stakeholders

  • Building capacity among organizations to sustain the plan

  • Drafting implementation and evaluation plans

Database Mastery
LMA helps organizations meet the growing need to gather, analyze and effectively present data to meet performance accountability requirements and measure program outcomes.  We develop and validate outcome and survey instruments such as the HFPI, that are used to measure change as well as guide direct practice. As organizations’ needs change, we assist in selecting feasible and reliable data  collection tools.  We use creative data visualization methods such as logic models and infographics to enable stakeholders to better understand the implications of their data and see progress. 
  • Development of valid outcome assessment instruments

  • Healthy Families Parenting Inventory

  • Online and mail survey development

  • Focus group protocols

  • Online data collection tools

  • Logic Models

  • Theory of change maps

  • Infographics 

  • Webinars and presentations

Technical Writin Assistance
LMA  designs and conducts training and technical assistance projects with non-profit organizations, governmental entities, coalitions and private companies. Projects range in scope from a 2-hour webinar to a year-long technical assistance project designed to enhance skills and knowledge among participants.  We provide assistance with program design and grant writing, database creation, data system integration, survey design, facilitating stakeholder meetings, coaching teams or leaders, and developing training packages, curricula, and resource materials. We work diligently to use the best science associated with the subject area, conduct projects that are within the organization’s resources, and make recommendations that address the  changing needs and priorities of the organization.
  • Continuous quality improvement

  • Focus group facilitation

  • Data collection training 

  • Grant writing

  • Communicating results

  • Healthy Families Parenting Inventory (HFPI) Core training

  • Training of Trainers

  • Leadership development

  • Program evaluation methods and skills 

  • Evaluation Capacity Assessment

Program Management
LMA  helps organizations, government entities, and coalitions undertake planning processes to design evidence-based programs, identify measurable program goals and objectives, create a solid quality assurance system, and conduct long-range strategic program development. Because we have worked with local, state and federal projects, we have a broad exposure to human services delivery systems, and have completed many needs assessments to inform best practices in service delivery. In addition, we have developed quality assurance systems and tools for statewide service systems and local service organizations for over 20 years.
  • Grant writing

  • Focus group facilitation

  • Logic model development

  • Quality Assurance systems

  • Program planning facilitation

  • Evaluation Capacity building

  • Organization Development consultation

Data Management
From the start of projects, we help clients develop data collection plans and recommend or develop appropriate and feasible stand-alone or cloud-based data collection systems. We then provide training and technical support in the chosen data collection system. We help clients harness their increasing volumes of data with direct data entry services that remove the burden from program staff and insure the highest quality and accurate data. Our experienced data analysts work with large and small  data sets to help organizations see trends, compile evidence of program impact, or merge data from different sources to tell the critical stories of their work. We have strong expertise in database manipulation, as we frequently extract data or combine databases for different analytic needs.
  • Quantitative and qualitative data analysis

  • Data entry

  • Data management

  • Data collection systems development

  • Data Merging

  • Database creation

  • Data visualization

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